Dr. Barbara G. Yee is proud to offer one of the latest advancements in accelerated orthodontic treatment.

OrthoPulse® is an established device that uses low levels of light energy to stimulate the bone surrounding the roots of your teeth and facilitate tooth movement which may reduce treatment time for braces or clear aligners.

  1. Fast
    Just one fast and convenient self-treatment session of 10-minutes per day can accelerate orthodontic tooth movement allowing teeth to move faster.
  2. Safe
    The smart science inside the device is based on a clinically proven and safe technology that has been used in medicine for over 60 years and is documented in over 3,300 published research articles.
  3. Easy
    Its elegant and simple design makes it easy and comfortable to use at home or away, while in bed or while watching a TV show – all without changing your daily schedule.


OrthoPulse® uses well-established, low intensity near infra-red light technology to gently facilitate orthodontic tooth movement which may reduce orthodontic treatment time.

Book your free consultation with us today to find out how you could benefit from faster treatment.


San Ramon

3130 Crow Canyon Road Suite B
San Ramon, CA 94583

(925) 866-8828 contact us